“The Board of County Commissioners would like to invite the families of those who lost their lives during this tragedy to not only attend, but to participate in the County’s Memorial Ceremony by reading the names of those we lost that day,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone. “We have had incredibly moving contributions in the past and would like to remind the loved ones of the victims that we will never forget them.”
“Every year, the County personally invites families of those who lost their lives on 9/11, but we know that people may move or there could be extended family who would like to help honor their loved ones,” said Commissioner Ross F. Licitra, liaison to the Monmouth County Park System. “Please contact our offices to learn more about participating in the County’s Memorial Ceremony.”
Those interested in participating in the Monmouth County September 11 Memorial Ceremony are asked to email Lauren Brand at Lauren.Brand@co.monmouth.nj.us or Danielle Banyacski at Danielle.Banyacski@co.monmouth.nj.us by Friday, Sept. 1.