The Board presented the proclamation to three chapters of the FFA during their meeting on Feb. 13. The three chapters were Allentown FFA, Monmouth County Career Center FFA and Freehold FFA.
“FFA and agricultural education provide a strong foundation for the youth of America and the future of food, fiber and natural resources systems,” said Commissioner Director Thomas A. Arnone. “FFA promotes premier leadership, personal growth and career success among its members, and agricultural education and FFA ensure a steady supply of young professionals to meet the growing needs in the science, business and technology of agriculture.”
“The FFA motto, ‘Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve,’ gives direction and purpose to students who take an active role in succeeding in agricultural education,” said Commissioner Ross F. Licitra. “FFA promotes citizenship, volunteerism, patriotism and cooperation. Recognizing FFA Week is especially important in Monmouth County, which has deep roots in the agriculture industry.”